Thursday, 24 March 2016

Books where have you gone

it's been a long year for not buying a book
literally how could you get movies everytime?
Having play is not so much curing
do we believe there's a beyond imagination behind the book?
it is surreal


Oh fisika

oh what the hell who said this
Horrace Lambs 1932


Aryan Race

well it's just a history
In the 18th century, the most ancient known Indo-European languages were those of the ancient Indo-Iranians. The word Aryan was therefore adopted to refer not only to the Indo-Iranian peoples, but also to native Indo-European speakers as a whole, including theRomansGreeks, and the Germans. It was soon recognised that BaltsCelts, and Slavs also belonged to the same group. It was argued that all of these languages originated from a common root—now known as Proto-Indo-European—spoken by an ancient people who were thought of as ancestors of the EuropeanIranian, and Indo-Aryan peoples. The ethnic group composed of the Proto-Indo-Europeans and their modern descendants was termed the "Aryans".
This usage was common among knowledgeable authors writing in the late 19th and early 20th century. An example of this usage appears in The Outline of History, a bestselling 1920 work by H. G. Wells.[5] In that influential volume, Wells used the term in the plural ("the Aryan peoples"), but he was a staunch opponent of the racist and politically motivated exploitation of the singular term ("the Aryan people") by earlier authors like Houston Stewart Chamberlain (see below) and was careful either to avoid the generic singular, though he did refer now and again in the singular to some specific "Aryan people" (e.g., the Scythians). In 1922, in A Short History of the World, Wells depicted a highly diverse group of various "Aryan peoples" learning "methods of civilization" and then, by means of different uncoordinated movements that Wells believed were part of a larger dialectical rhythm of conflict between settled civilizations and nomadic invaders that also encompassed Aegean and Mongol peoples inter alia, "subjugat[ing]"—"in form" but not in "ideas and methods"—"the whole ancient world, Semitic, Aegean and Egyptian alike".[6]
However, in a climate of burgeoning racism it proved difficult to maintain such nuanced distinctions. Even Max Mueller, a linguist who wrote in 1888 that "an ethnologist who speaks of Aryan race, Aryan blood, Aryan eyes and hair, is as great a sinner as a linguist who speaks of a dolichocephalic dictionary or a brachycephalic grammar,"[7] was on occasion guilty of using the term "Aryan race."[8] So it was that despite the injunctions of writers like Wells, the notion of an Aryan race took root in mainstream culture.
Thus, in the 1944 edition of Rand McNally's World Atlas, the Aryan race is depicted as one of the ten major racial groupings of mankind.[9]The science fiction author Poul Anderson (1926–2001), an anti-racist libertarian of Scandinavian ancestry, in his many novelsnovellas, andshort stories, consistently used the term Aryan as a synonym for Indo-Europeans.[10]
Today the use of "Aryan" as a synonym for "Indo-European" or to a lesser extent for "Indo-Iranian" both in academia and in popular culture is obsolete, ideologically suspect, and politically incorrect. But the term may still occasionally appear in material that is based on older scholarship or written by persons accustomed to older usage. Thus in a 1989 article in Scientific AmericanColin Renfrew uses the term "Aryan" as a synonym for "Indo-European".[11]
The term Indo-Aryan is still commonly used to describe the Indic half of the Indo-Iranian languages, i.e., the family that includes Sanskrit and modern languages such as Hindi,Urdu and Bengali.

Third Reich specific


When We Were Young

it was just like a movie it was just like a song
kalo ada yg bilang dulu pernahnya ke Bali ga ke Indonesia well mungkin sekarang mereka harus lebih belajar tentang sejarah dan tulisan Bali bisa ke sini


March Before April

I know right
Bulan ini ada film-film


Wednesday, 23 March 2016


Don't know anything about Greek but this alpha sometimes appears


Autocorrects hm
sejarah perkembangan tipografi dimulai dari penggunaan pictograph. Bentuk bahasa ini antara lain dipergunakan oleh bangsa Viking Norwegia dan Indian Sioux. Di Mesir berkembang jenis huruf Hieratia, yang terkenal dengan nama Hieroglif pada sekitar abad 1300 SM. Bentuk tipografi ini merupakan akar dari bentuk Demotia, yang mulai ditulis dengan menggunakan pena khusus.

Puncak perkembangan tipografi, terjadi kurang lebih pada abad 8 SM di Roma saat orang Romawi mulai membentuk kekuasaannya. Karena bangsa Romawi tidak memiliki sistem tulisan sendiri, mereka mempelajari sistem tulisan Etruska yang merupakan penduduk asli Italia serta menyempurnakannya sehingga terbentuk huruf-huruf Romawi.
Setiap bentuk huruf dalam sebuah alfabet memiliki keunikan fisik yang menyebabkan mata kita dapat membedakan antara huruf ‘m’ dengan ‘p’ atau ‘C’ dengan ‘Q’. Keunikan ini disebabkan oleh cara mata kita melihat korelasi antara komponen visual yang satu dengan yang lain. Sekelompok pakar psikologi dari Jerman dan Austria pada tahun 1900 memformulasikan sebuah teori yang dikenal dengan teori Gestalt. Teori ini 
berbasis pada ‘pattern seeking’ dalam perilaku manusia. Setiap bagian dari sebuah gamabar dapat dianalsisi dan dievaluasi sebagai komponen yang berbeda. Salah satu hukum persepsi dan teori ini membuktikan bahwa untuk mengenal atau ‘membaca’ sebuah gambar diperluakan adanya kontras atara ruang positif yang disebut dengan figure dan ruang negatis yang disbut dengan ground.

Sunday, 20 March 2016


Shahih Bukhari


Friday, 18 March 2016

Let's Write Again

Seni. Art. Bahasa juga merupakan seni
seberapa cepat kita bisa menulis? Bagian dari seni?
Disini mau bahas tentang bahasa Arab. Kosakata tentang anggota tubuh

رَأْسٌ = kepala

أُذُنٌ = telingaعَيْنٌ  = mataأَنْفٌ = hidungفَمٌ = mulutشَفَةٌ = bibirسِنٌ = gigiصَدْرُ = dadaبَطْنٌ = perutيَدٌ = tanganدِرَاعٌ = lenganمِرْفَقٌ = sikuاِصْبَعٌ = jariظُفْرٌ = kukuفَخِذٌ = pahaرَكْبَةٌ = lututسَاقٌ = betisقَدَمٌ = telapak kakiكَعْبٌ = mata kaki
