Tuesday, 27 November 2018
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Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Sunday, 16 September 2018
Saturday, 15 September 2018
Semantic Satiation
Leon Jakobovits James coined the phrase "semantic satiation" in his 1962 doctoral dissertation at McGill University. Prior to that, the expression "verbal satiation" had been used along with terms that express the idea of mental fatigue. The dissertation listed many of the names others had used for the phenomenon:
Many other names have been used for what appears to be essentially the same process: inhibition (Herbert, 1824, in Boring, 1950), refractory phase and mental fatigue (Dodge, 1917; 1926a), lapse of meaning (Bassett and Warne, 1919), work decrement (Robinson and Bills, 1926), cortical inhibition (Pavlov, 192?), adaptation (Gibson, 1937), extinction (Hilgard and Marquis, 1940), satiation (Kohler and Wallach, 1940), reactive inhibition (Hull, 1913 [sic]), stimulus satiation (Glanzer, 1953), reminiscence (Eysenck, 1956), verbal satiation (Smith and Raygor, 1956), and verbal transformation (Warren, 1961b).— From Leon Jakobovits James, 1962
The dissertation presents several experiments that demonstrate the operation of the semantic satiation effect in various cognitive tasks such as rating words and figures that are presented repeatedly in a short time, verbally repeating words then grouping them into concepts, adding numbers after repeating them out loud, and bilingual translations of words repeated in one of the two languages. In each case subjects would repeat a word or number for several seconds, then perform the cognitive task using that word. It was demonstrated that repeating a word prior to its use in a task made the task somewhat more difficult.
The explanation for the phenomenon is that, in the cortex, verbal repetition repeatedly arouses a specific neural pattern that corresponds to the meaning of the word. Rapid repetition makes both the peripheral sensorimotor activity and central neural activation fire repeatedly. This is known to cause reactive inhibition, hence a reduction in the intensity of the activity with each repetition. Jakobovits James (1962) calls this conclusion the beginning of "experimental neurosemantics".
- In Edgar Allan Poe's 1835 short story Berenice, the protagonist describes a mental state that induced him "to repeat, monotonously, some common word, until the sound, by dint of frequent repetition, ceased to convey any idea whatever to the mind".
- In James Thurber's 1933 short story "More Alarms At Night", Thurber describes the phenomenon as follows: "I began to indulge in the wildest fancies as I lay there in the dark, such as that there was no such town, and even that there was no such state as New Jersey. I fell to repeating the word 'Jersey' over and over again, until it became idiotic and meaningless. If you have ever lain awake at night and repeated one word over and over, thousands and millions and hundreds of thousands of millions of times, you know the disturbing mental state you can get into."
- In the Friends episode "The One with the Stoned Guy", the character referenced in the title repeats the word "tartlets" until he notes that it has "lost all meaning".
- Semantic satiation is used extensively in Tony Burgess's novel Pontypool Changes Everything, as well as in the film adaptation of the novel.
- In William Faulkner's novel As I Lay Dying, the character of Addie Bundren speaks of the phenomenon as repeating a word until the meaning drains from it, leaving it an empty container.
- In Kathryn Lasky's book Guardians of Ga'Hoole, one of the brainwashing techniques the antagonists use against young owls is making them repeat their own name until it loses all meaning to them.
- In The Simpsons episode "Radioactive Man", Milhouse Van Houten tells Bart Simpson that "making movies is so horribly repetitive; I've said 'jiminy jillikers!' so many times the words have lost all meaning!
- In King of the Hill episode "Vision Quest," Dale Gribble experiences the psychological phenomenon when he says, "There's wood. We're passing all kinds of wood. Wood, wood, wood, wood, wood, wood. That's a weird word. Wood, wood. Weird word. Weird wood.
In the fields of sociology and social psychology, a breaching experiment is an experiment that seeks to examine people's reactions to violations of commonly accepted social rules or norms. Breaching experiments are most commonly associated with ethnomethodology, and in particular the work of Harold Garfinkel. Breaching experiments involve the conscious exhibition of "unexpected" behavior/violation of social norms, an observation of the types of social reactions such behavioral violations engender, and an analysis of the social structure that makes these social reactions possible.The idea of studying the violation of social norms and the accompanying reactions has bridged across social science disciplines, and is today used in both sociology and psychology.
The assumption behind this approach is not only that individuals engage daily in building up "rules" for social interaction, but also that people are unaware they are doing so.The work of sociologist Erving Goffman laid the theoretical foundation for ways to study the construction of everyday social meanings and behavioral norms, especially by breaking unstated but universally accepted rules. Garfinkel expanded on this idea by developing ethnomethodology as a qualitative research method for social scientists. Later, in the 1970s and 80s, famous social psychologist Stanley Milgram developed two experiments to observe and quantify responses to breaches in social norms to empirically analyze reactions to violation of those norms
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Skam NL
Thursday, 19 July 2018
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
Sunday, 3 June 2018
Thursday, 17 May 2018
Monday, 14 May 2018
Thursday, 3 May 2018
Wednesday, 25 April 2018
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Resensi Buku Notes From Qatar 3 Dream, Do, Deliver
Rizky Wicaksono
Buku ini adalah buku ketiga dari seri buku Notes
From Qatar yang ditulis oleh Muhammad Assad, M.Sc. Pertama saya membeli buku
ini saya belum membaca buku seri sebelumnya. Buku ini adalah buku motivasi dan
kumpulan cerita yang Assad bagikan. Buku ini diterbitkan oleh PT Elex Media
Komputindo Kompas Gramedia.
Buku ini diterbitkan pada tahun 2014. Buku ini
berisi 300 halaman, 27 bagian, dan terdapat 9 bagian pembuka serta ucapan
terima kasih.
Ucapan Terima Kasih
Assad memberi ucapan terima kasihnya kepada orang tuanya, Afra Nurina
Amarilla, dan karib-karibnya.
Prakata ini dibawakan oleh Her
Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser atau Istri Yang Mulia Presiden Qatar.
Mentor’s Note/Catatan Mentor
Catatan mentor ini ditulis oleh Jusuf Kalla, Anies Baswedan, Ph.D, Ustadz
Yusuf Mansur, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, dan Anindya N. Bakrie.
Author’s Notes It’s All Paid Off!/Catatan Penulis Semuanya Terbayar!
Assad bercerita tentang perjalanannya dari 2009 hingga 2011 yang melanjuti
pendidikannya dari S1 di Malaysia.
Bagian 1: Dream Do Deliver/Bermimpi Kerjakan Sampaikan.
Bagian 2: Belajar “Goblok” Bersama
Bob Sadino.
Bagian 3: Lelah Itu Nikmat.
Bagian 4: Maka, Bersujudlah.
Bagian 5: Idul Fitri Saatnya Kembali
ke Fitrah.
Bagian 6: The Unforgettable Idul Adha/Idul
Adha yang Tak Terlupakan
Bagian 7: Jangan Marah.
Bagian 8: Ayo Menjadi Entrepreneur!
Bagian 9: Mengalah Berarti Bukan
Bagian 10: Crisis = Danger + Opportunity/Krisis = Bahaya + Oportunitas
Bagian 11: Misteri Jodoh dan Menikah
Bagian 12: Adversity Quotient/Kemampuan Kegigihan.
Bagian 13: Apakah Karma itu Ada?
Bagian 14: Membentuk Generasi
Bagian 15: Aussie Trip: Make Friends Everywhere!/Perjalanan ke Australia:
Berteman Dimana Saja!
Bagian 16: Smoking is Killing/Merokok Adalah Membunuh.
Bagian 17: Maaf, Tolong, dan Terima
Bagian 18: Menembus Batas Penjagaan
Bagian 19: Sang Maha Pengatur.
Bagian 20: Breaking The Limit/Menembus Batas.
Bagian 21: Sedekah Membawa Berkah.
Bagian 22: 10 Reason Why People Fail/10 Alasan Mengapa Orang Gagal.
Bagian 23: G20 Youth Summit 2011: Lessons on Leadership/G20 Youth Summit 2011: Pelajaran pada
Bagian 24: Your Network is Your Networth/Hubunganmu Adalah Bayaranmu.
Bagian 25: Success
with Values/Sukses dengan Nilai-nilai.
Bagian 26: Yuk, Sedekah Berjamaah!
Bagian 27: Profil Penulis.
Assad adalah entrepreneur,
pembicara internasional, dan penulis buku-buku national bestseller. Assad menyelesaikan program S2 Islamic Finance
di Hamad bin Khalifa University, Qatar dengan predikat summa cum-laude dan mendapat beasiswa penuh dari Emir Qatar, His
Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani. Saat ini menjadi CEO Rayyan
Capital, perusahaan pengelola keuangan dan investasi globa; dan Chairman NFQ
Group yang fokus membuat program-program edukatif di bidang kepemudaan. Assad
saat ini juga menjadi Duta Wakaf Al-Azhar bidang hubungan Internasional.
Buku ini sangat cocok untuk para pemuda dan pemudi
yang hendak mencari tahu tentang perubahan yang didapat selama usia dua puluh
tahun. Assad adalah contoh pemuda yang gigih berjuang dan dia juga merupakan
sosok yang terbuka seperti dalam salah satu foto ia berteman dengan siapa saja
baik wanita kulit putih keturunan Eropa dan wanita kulit hitam keturunan
Afrika. Assad memberikan informasi dalam buku ini dengan lugas dan memberikan
ayat-ayat Al-Quran sebagai penjelas.
Saturday, 24 March 2018
Monday, 19 March 2018
Sunday, 18 February 2018
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